Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Cirque de Freak: The Vampire's Assistant

Shan, Darren. 2000. The Vampire's Assistant. New York: Little, Brown and Company.

Darren Shan was a normal little boy curious about a freakshow that was in town. He and his friend Steve attended, and got into some trouble and Darren stole a poisonous tarantula. The spider bit Steve and in order to save him Darren had to go to Mr. Crepsley, the spider's owner, and ask him to save his friend. He agreed, but in exchange he turned Darren into a half-vampire. Book Two begins at this part and we learn what Darren is having a difficult time trying to deal with being a half-vampire. He refuses to drink human blood to keep him alive and so he feeds on animals. Mr. Crepsley is busy teaching him about his new life style and the things that he is going to have to accept. Mr. Crepsley decides that it is time to return to the Cirque de Freak and takes Darren along. At first, Darren is horrified because this is where it all started for him and he hates thinking about his former life. Once Darren is settled, he makes friends with Evra and two humans. Sam, who is one of the humans, becomes one of Darren's best friends and even offers to become "blood brothers" although Darren knows this isn't possible. Sam desperately wants to join the circus and will do anything possible, and Darren will do anything to keep him safe, but will efforts be enough?

Darren Shan writes a great suspenseful story in the Cirque de Freak series. The books are written at a fast pace, making it a very short and satisfying read. Anyone yearning for a good horror fantasy will love this series. The characters are real freaks that will make you cringe at the thought of them. Shan deliciously describes each character until you have a clear mental image of the person, and there are quite a few unique ones such as the wolf-man, the Little People, and Truska. This particular book setting takes place at the Circus that is located on the banks of a river. The reader quickly learns that it is not your typical circus with big bright striped tents, but we get a very eerie feeling of uneasiness. Shan is very talented in creating a sense of fear within his readers. Each book ends with a hook, therefore leaving the reader wanting more.

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