Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Fashion Kitty

Harper, Charise Mericle. 2005. Fashion Kitty. New York: Hyperion Books for Children.

The Kittie family is an unusual cat family because they have a pet mouse. They are allowed to do this because they are all vegetarians and love to eat things like ice cream, cheese, and pancakes. Lana named her Mousie, but KiKi secretly named her Phoebe Frederique. KiKi is a extraordinary girl cat who loves fashion. One day on her birthday while she was blowing out the candles, a shelf on the wall that was loaded with fashion magazines, crashed down upon her head. Everything seemed normal after the accident until KiKi fell to the floor screaming. When KiKi jumped up she had been transformed into Fashion Kitty and flew out the window to go and save the day. She rescued Mary Jane who was about to make a terrible fashion faux pax, and from that point on she new that this is what she was meant to do.

Harper creates a cute graphic novel for young girls. The Kittie family is very eccentric and even though this is a cat family every young girl reading this book will think it is funny and relatable. The style in which Harper writes is very appealing and will make the reader laugh with statements such as "After all, every family has a few secrets. We like to wear striped underwear." The pictures are definately geared towards little girls because the images are all in pink and gray. The charcters are your typical comic book images that look like they were illustrated by a younger artist. The story is easy to read and follow along and the images definately add to the story. This is a cute book, that most younger girls would enjoy.

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