Thursday, January 24, 2008

Green Eggs and Ham

1) Bibliography
Seuss, Dr. 1960. Green Eggs and Ham. New York, NY. ISBN 0394800168.

2) Plot Summary
Sam, an extremely persistant character, tries to get his friend to eat green eggs and ham. He carries around a fork, tray and platter of green eggs and ham and tries to get him to eat them in many different ways considering location "here or there" or with different friends " would you eat them with a fox" but yet his friend refuses to eat green eggs and ham. He follows him around considering all the different places, ways, friends that he could eat them with and yet his friend will not sway in his decision. Finally, Sam wears on his friend and he gives in with the consideration that he will leave him alone if he at least tries the delicacy. With great surprise he realizes that he DOES like green eggs and ham and yes he would "eat them in a boat and with a goat" he then thanks his friend and finishes the platter of green eggs and ham.

3) Critical Analysis
How could any child not love Green Eggs and Ham? The rhythm and rhyme of the story leads the reader to deliver such exuberance in the words. It's as if you could almost sing the book. Although, there is not a great storyline here, the characters and the lines leave the reader wanting to read more. The illustrations are a classic of Dr. Seuss with bright, silly characters, that literally tell stories with just their expressions. I think that this book is definately a valuable part to any child's book collection.

4) Review Excerpt
"As usual, kids will love Dr. Seuss's wacky rhymes and whimsical illustrations--and this time, they might even be so moved as to finally take a taste of their broccoli."

5) Connections
* Could be used to consider the importance of trying new food

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