Friday, January 25, 2008

Los Gatos Black on Halloween

1) Bibliography
Montes, Marisa. 2006. Los Gatos Black on Halloween. New York, NY. ISBN 0805074295

2) Plot Summary
On Halloween scary creatures such as the las calabazas,las brujas, los esqueletos and others come out and join together for a monstrous ball. They play the harpsicords, and dance and are having a great time when suddenly they hear raps on the door. As the door opens, they see children holding their bags yelling trick or treat. The monsters are upset and believe the kids are the scariest things they have seen.

3) Critical Analysis
Montes clearly creates hauntingly beautiful characters in her story through the use of English and Spanish rhythms. The reader can clearly see and hear the movements of the Halloween characters such as the "cats slink and creep on Halloween". The words in which they are printed on each page even creates a song like pattern.

The illustrations are beautiful and will capture the imagination of each reader young or old. Even though this is intended to be a scary story, the monsters are obviously having a great time. The illustrations are dark, yet wispy creating an even more fantasy like image in the reader's imagination.

4) Review Excerpt
Booklist 2006
" Montes' evocative poem deserves exceptional artwork, and Morales obliges. Her soft-edged paintings glow with the luminosity of jewels, and her witches, werewolves, and corpses are frighteningly executed.

5) Connections
* Used as a precursor to Halloween studies
* learning English and Spanish language

Other books by Montes include Infinito Particular and Rose and Charcoal.

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